I have read somewhere :-
The only constant thing in this world is 'Change'. No one has escaped from that, no one ever can. My blog is also "no-one" and has undergone this change in look and feel. Finally, I was able to find and tweak a new template for my blog. The initial template (shown above) was very dull and boring. So somehow I came out of my procrastination and played with some HTML and CSS to create a new face for my blog. [If you are some lucky person not from software background, ignore these two words – ‘HTML’ and ‘CSS’, they are some software crap which is part and parcel of unlucky software professional like me ;-) ].
Coming to the new template, I found it having better aesthetics and more pleasing to eyes (atleast to me). Light green is one of my favourite colours and hence the reason for the new layout being so greenish in colour.
Do let me know, how do you find the new look and feel of my blog. The comments section is waiting for you…
It is looking better than before and even people got ur message that girls should try there luck by wearing green:-)
Gud.. i think u r only one who has wirtten 2 blogs on ur blogging skills...kool keep it up!!
nice color chosen, gives pleasure wherever it is, be a part of landscape or national flag and last bit not the least SENSEX!! ;-)
'Old wine in a new bottle'. More captivating!
Hey its looking gr8.....The previous one was also nice but green looks more fresh and captivating. Nice colour chosen...
"girls should try there luck by wearing green:-) "...an eye catchin comment !!
thts wht i was wondering "wuts da reason this green bro ??"
waiting for da name of da green chick !! hahahhaha...
green world green change....visibility green, coolness green,adaptiveness in green,the world is green,Hey girls try out this sexy color...hmmmm mayank nice.....
Hey It looks cool....Green gives more pleasant look and feel.Green is the color symbolizing earth, nature, and in a broader sense, life. Cool dude...Looking forward for more blogs....
Green is also one of my favourite colours. It is very soothing to eyes.It is looking fabulous bhaiya
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